they can try to define it however they want but bloggers report the news and
thats what journalism is money or not see this article in the  post today

*Crackdowns On Bloggers Increasing, Survey Finds*

By Nora Boustany
Washington Post Foreign Service
Wednesday, October 17, 2007; A14

Government repression in some countries has shifted from journalists to
bloggers, with the vitality of the Internet triggering a more focused
crackdown as blogs increasingly take the place of mainstream news media,
according to Lucie Morillon, Washington director of the advocacy group

"Countries that were not sentencing journalists to prison terms anymore have
been doing it these last months for bloggers. This is the case in
Jordan," she said yesterday as the group released its sixth annual
Press Freedom Index <>. Egypt
ranked 146th and Jordan 122nd in press freedom among the 169 countries for
which data were available.

Reporters Without Borders said major industrialized countries, including the
United States, made slight progress, moving up several notches, with the
exception of 
the list for press freedom in the survey, and

While not all press freedom violations were known in the countries ranked
second and third from the bottom -- North
"Eritrea deserves to be at the bottom," the group said. Eritrean
President Isaias Afwerki has banished privately owned press outlets and
jailed the few journalists who have dared criticize the government, it said.
"We know that four of them have died in detention and we have every reason
to fear that others will suffer the same fate," the group added.

Most democracies improved their ranking, with the United States moving up to
48th place from last year's 53rd, Morillon said.

The reason the United States did not make the top 30 is because videographer
and blogger Josh Wolf spent almost eight months in jail for not turning over
video footage of a demonstration in San
because the confidentiality of sources is under continued attack, she
said. Cameraman Sami al-Hajj, from al-Jazeera satellite television, is still
being held without charges at the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay,
Cuba <>,
and journalist Chauncey
killed in
after his coverage made him a target, she added.

no region has been spared censorship or violence toward journalists.

"We are particularly disturbed by the situation in
Reporters Without Borders said. "The military junta's crackdown on
demonstrations bodes ill for the future of basic freedoms. . . . Journalists
continue to work under the yoke of harsh censorship from which nothing
escapes, not even small ads."

at the low end of the index, in 163rd place. "With less than a year to
go to the 2008 Olympics, the reforms and the releases of imprisoned
journalists so often promised by the authorities seem to be a vain hope,"
the group said.

Reporters Without Borders said it feared a wave of repression would
target the handful of independent journalists left in the run-up to the
presidential election in December.

In the Palestinian territories (158th), the threat has changed, according to
Morillon. "Two years ago, it was coming from the Israeli forces shooting at
Palestinian reporters. These days, the main threat comes from internal
conflicts and the rivalry between
Hamas <>,"
she added.

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