Just so you know, after a Twitter inquiry as to whether anyone had tried to
phone, I called Mr. Hudack some time before 7 a.m. EST and the issue was
fixed in minutes.

I've never experienced the kind of problem you describe uploading.


On 10/18/07, Bill Cammack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Rupert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Nope. Nobody'd be uploading to them if there were widespread
> > problems.  Blip works fine for me almost all the time.  They
> > seriously let me down this morning on two important demonstrations
> > for clients when their servers went down between 9 and 12.  But
> > that's very unusual.  Their support is the best I've ever come
> > across.  They will go massively out of their way to help.  Chances
> > are, if they're telling you it's to do with something your end, it is.
> To be fair... Between 9am and 12pm your time is approximately between
> 4am and 7am here in NYC, where blip is located. :)
> Here's their post about it: <http://blog.blip.tv/blog/2007/10/18/service/>
> --
> Bill Cammack
> http://billcammack.com
> > Suggestions:
> > - Check your upload speed, and try uploading to Blip using somebody
> > else's internet connection.  Perhaps your ISP sucks.  Mine used to.
> > I got a new one.  Contention (number of people sharing the pipe) and
> > upload speeds are not things you'd know without checking.  Who knows,
> > perhaps your ISP doesn't like people uploading stuff, so they make it
> > deliberately difficult.  Sounds a bit like it.
> >
> > - If you're using a wireless connection, plug in.
> >
> > - Download UpperBlip batch uploading app from Blip's download tools
> > section and use it to upload your videos.
> >
> > - Upgrade Firefox. Better yet, uninstall it and download the latest
> > version and install it fresh.
> >
> > - Then uninstall your Flash player and download a new copy.
> >
> > - Lose the Dell. Dells suck dead man's ass.  I normally say something
> > a LOT ruder.  I do IT support for people on the side, and I don't
> > know one single person with a Dell that hasn't slowed down to an
> > unbearable standstill after 2 years - more often after just ONE
> > year.  It seems to me that they make them like that so that you have
> > to buy new ones.  And the great thing is, almost all people who have
> > slow Dell seem to replace it with... another Dell.  It's all they
> > know.  Don't make the same mistake.  Particularly now that all new
> > machines come with Vista, the world's worst operating system.  Put
> > Vista on a Dell, it's like crossing the beams. You might as well put
> > your fist through the screen before you even turn it on.
> >
> > Rupert
> > http://twittervlog.tv/
> >
> >
> > On 18 Oct 2007, at 21:46, gerrytshow wrote:
> >
> > Hello Everyone,
> >
> > I was wondering if any of you out there have experienced any problems
> > recently with uploading your videos onto Blip? Last week, I was
> > unable to upload my video after multiple attempts over a couple of
> > days using both Firefox and Internet Explorer.
> >
> > When I contacted Blip they accused my year old Dell XPS M140 for the
> > problems although offering no REAL concrete answers or solutions to
> > why this happen and how to avoid it in the future.
> >
> > I've been uploading my videos to Blip since Feb 2007 and I've never
> > been able to use Firefox for any of my uploads, and some of my uploads
> > have taken as long as 6 hours. Is this normal using Blip?
> >
> > I cannot continue to have these problems and have Blip point the
> > finger at me and my computer. Does anyone have any insight or answers
> > to these questions?
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Gerry t
> >
> > The Gerry T Show
> > "Where Dating & Mating Always Come Together"
> > http://TheGerryTShow.Blip.TV
> > http://GerryT.com
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
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