As a nerd I want to know what might cause Dells to slow down in the
way you suggest. As there isnt much hardware that would be responsible
for such symptoms, apart from some RAM or harddrive partial failure,
it sounds more like an OS issue. Now certainly Windows often gets
clogged up within a year or two and needs reinstalling, but I dont
know what there is about Dells that would make it more of an issue
with them. Maybe they ship some iffy drivers or apps with the machine,
but again Id usually expect that to make them slow to start with,
rather than after a year.

Personally I dont believe it being a Dell or how old it is is terribly
relevent to whether its responsible for Gerry's problems with Blip. It
could be, but the devil will be in the detail, its jsut as likely some
setting or app installed on your computer thats causing woes, or some
part of your approach is causing a problem, eg what format & filesize
are you uploading the videos as?


Steve Elbows

--- In, Rupert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> - Lose the Dell. Dells suck dead man's ass.  I normally say something  
> a LOT ruder.  I do IT support for people on the side, and I don't  
> know one single person with a Dell that hasn't slowed down to an  
> unbearable standstill after 2 years - more often after just ONE  
> year.  It seems to me that they make them like that so that you have  
> to buy new ones.  

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