At a recent shoot for my show I had a chance to try out the Double Ended 
Video Sound system that David Tames presented at the recent PodcampBoston2 
.. and it worked *very* well.

The system is basically using a separate recorder for audio rather than a 
wireless mic or the built-in mic in the camcorder. I had tried this over a 
year ago with a low end digital voice recorder but had *major* sync 
problems.  This time I used something decent .. my Edirol R-09 and only had 
to slightly tweak the sync after about 40 minutes or so (the shoot was about 
55 min)

The audio of the two panel members was *much* cleaner than the audio from 
the camcorder. I will use this technique more in the future. I had tried 
various things to get better audio .. starting with an on-camera shotgun, 
then a low end wireless mic (VHF), then another low end wireless (UHF), 
then a medium end wireless (UHF) .. but this works the best.

David's presentation:

My video (using his technique):

Richard Amirault
Boston, MA, USA 

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