>  They don't have to, but they do most of the time in the name of rear-end
>  coverage. You do have a recourse to fight a takedown in writing, and
>  challenging in writing typically causes the host to review the material
>  ... I used this once with YouTube to get the "Stormtroopers Gone Wild"
>  video restored when it was improperly taken down.

so if someone asks blip/youtube/etc to take down a video...they take it down.
then I can say its fairuse, and they put it back up.
Then its up to the other person to take me to court?

I guess im trying to figure out how much interpretation all the
players in this process have BEFORE it hts the courts.
I feel we as creators and hosting services need to help define what is fair use.
then stand up for it.


917 371 6790
Video: http://ryanishungry.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/jaydedman
Photos: http://flickr.com/photos/jaydedman/
RSS: http://tinyurl.com/yqgdt9

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