> Well, the good news is I worked out a compromise. The bad news is the
>  video I just spent 10+ hours working on will never be posted.
>  She wants me to sever all connection to her from the video, remove her
>  name, the metatags and the youtube response connection so that nobody
>  watching her stuff will find my stuff. But I can keep the video.
>  Otherwise, she will hunt me down, her team is researching my website
>  server right now to have it shut down. She will ask youtube to delete
>  my entire account. She says she will begin a two year legal battle.
>  And she will sue me for slander if I start blogging about it or
>  speaking in forums. I'm avoiding using her name right now because
>  geez, she would not be happy if she found out I was talking about it.

i wonder if she has a psychic assassination squad.
these dudes in blue jumpsuits who meditate outside your house....the
bad kind of meditating.
black meditation.

seems like a bad deal, but maybe worth the hassle of fighting Youtube
and her DMCA takedown request.
this kind of thing sends a chill through the creative air.

again, I ask the question:
Why is is perfectly normal, accepted, and encouraged to use blocks of
text from someone's text blog in your own text blog?
No one would scream copyright infringement if I took your entire text
blog post, and responded to each paragraph.
this would be called criticism, parody, and CONVERSATION.

Can you imagine someone emailing Blogger because I used part of your text blog?
no one would respond, or need to respond.

But if a videoblogger uses any part of someone else's video, it
becomes copyright infringement.
Has the MPAA infected our minds with ideas of "piracy" that we're crazy?
Youtube is so sensitive to people posting Simpson's clips....that its
extending to anyone using anyone's else's clips.
The threat of Youtube deleting your account kills the connection
between people's work.


917 371 6790
Video: http://ryanishungry.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/jaydedman
Photos: http://flickr.com/photos/jaydedman/
RSS: http://tinyurl.com/yqgdt9

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