With regards to all non-French people who use Blip.tv.

Loiez Deniel lives in Rural France near to Claremont Feront, if you  
google map it, you will see that he lives slap bang in the middle of  
france, about oh lets see at least 3-4 hours away from Paris.

He has complain bitterly about download speeds from blip.tv for some  
time now, but it's not only him, most of subscribers who live in  
France have the same trouble.  He has been in contact with French  
Telecom, who explains that it is  a parsing error or something like  

Although Loiez loves Blip.tv due it's great free hosting ability to  
share and download videos in quicktime etc, as well as the flash  
looking just right, he has found it more and more frustrating  
downloading the uploaded video.  Which really is a problem.

So does anyone know of any blip-like sites that loiez could probably  
try until either blip or french telecom get their collective acts  
together?  Baring in mind that Loiez uses widescreen HD, even  
sometimes super widescreen in his work.


Paul Knight

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