Great points Bill and on target as always.....I could learn a lot 
from you, no doubt..


--- In, "Bill Cammack" 
> --- In, "Patrick Delongchamp"
> <pdelongchamp@> wrote:
> >
> > I have to agree with Frank here.  I don't believe sitcom writers 
> > down and discuss how to control their audiences into buying 
> > strudel.  
> That's true.  Nobody said that they do. :)  Your statement assumes
> direct contact between the production company and the advertisers. 
> You're cutting out the middleman, the network.
> The network pays the production company to make the show.  The
> advertiser pays the network to advertise ON that show (or on a
> particular channel or whatever).  The production team wouldn't be
> interested in writing for advertisers because A) they get their 
> straight from the network that picked up the show, and B) you'll
> notice that there are often SEVERAL advertisers on a particular 
> AND they might switch advertisers to boot.
> To give an internet example... Ze Frank's last week of "The Show" 
> sponsored by scotch-maker Dewar's
> When he started his
> show, Ze Frank didn't know A) that his show was going to be
> successful, B) that anyone would want to sponsor it or C) that it
> would be Dewar's, so there's no reason that he would write his show
> "to control his audience into buying Dewar's".
> > I think they just try to write funny shows, or dramatic
> > shows, etc. (keyword: try)  Shows that are likely to get good
> > ratings/demographics get picked up.
> Agreed.  Still, the demographic you choose is going to affect your
> writing.  Since you know a lot of Americans were crying about 
> Vick killing dogs, you're *NOT* going to write an episode about
> killing dogs, BECAUSE you don't want to alienate your demographic. 
> You're also not going to write an episode portraying Michael Vick 
as a
> hero, for the same reason.
> > I'd be interested in hearing a
> > specific example to support the other theory, let alone examples
> > showing that that theory represents the majority of TV content.
> I'm not sure which theory you're referring to, but the way shows get
> on the air is you come up with an idea, you pitch it to a production
> team, get them to make a pilot (or pay for professional shooters,
> producers and editors to do it out-of-pocket yourself), shop that
> pilot to networks and hope they buy it instead of stealing your idea
> and making it themselves. :)  There is *NO* part in the process 
> average joes have any SAY over the creation OR picking up of shows. 
> Their input is useful for focus groups, but that's it.  The viewers
> are studied so you don't accidentally shop a pilot about killing 
> but other than that, the viewers don't have JACK to do with anything
> except for tuning in or not after the fact.
> The show sinks or swims with the viewers, for sure, but that's 
> the viewers are the product that's being sold to the advertisers. 
> It's like how you can't have a supermarket without food... that 
> be just a useless building to someone that's hungry. :)
> --
> Bill Cammack
> > People will watch good tv and advertisers will spend their money 
> > the demographics they seek.
> > 
> > On Dec 28, 2007 1:29 PM, Frank Sinton <frank@> wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Great discussion - perhaps the briefness of my post was
> > >  misinterpreted. I'll focus my comments on TV. In the 
> TV biz:
> > >
> > >  1) Ratings are king.
> > >  2) Ratings / demographics / content as a package are sold to
> advertisers.
> > >
> > >  Studios evaluate new projects based on who and how big the
> audience is
> > >  going to be, then how attractive the total package would be to
> > >  advertisers. The ultimate influence is up to the viewers in 
> > >  what to watch. (ok, that was made very simplistic - but at the 
end of
> > >  the day, it is the viewers with that remote control who decide
> what to
> > >  watch that influences these decisions.)
> > >
> > >  The great part of new media is that you have direct contact 
> > >  audiences. You don't need that studio exec middle man to 
decide if
> > >  they think there will be an audience or not.
> > >
> > >  Regards,
> > >  -Frank
> > >
> > > - Discover the Video Web
> > >
> > >  --- In, "Bill Cammack" 
> > >
> > >
> > >  wrote:
> > >  >
> > >  > --- In, Ron Watson <k9disc@> 
> > >  > >
> > >  > > Sorry I couldn't quote, something weird with the 
> > >  > >
> > >  > > Frank,
> > >  > >
> > >  > > I think you are mixing up different segments of the 
> > >  media a
> > >  > > bit here.
> > >  > >
> > >  > > There are the loyal viewers of the repetitive television
> market with
> > >  > > the one shot nature of the movies.
> > >  > >
> > >  > > They are entirely different markets with entirely 
different sales
> > >  > > models and entirely different customers. For the most 
part, the
> > >  > > movies are owned by corporations and TV is sponsored by
> > >  corporations.
> > >  > > Of course this is starting to change a bit with product 
> > >  and
> > >  > > such, but it's still quite true.
> > >  >
> > >  >
> > >  >
> > >  >
> > >  > > In television the viewer is the product being sold. The 
idea that
> > >  the
> > >  > > viewer gets what they want on TV is laughable. The 
> > >  > > advertisers are the customers and they get what they want. 
> > >  why
> > >  > > we have more and more commercials and less and less 
> > >  >
> > >  > I agree. It's not possible for the viewer to be the consumer 
in the
> > >  > televison model. The viewer gives ZERO dollars *directly* 
> > >  > video production.
> > >  >
> > >  > The viewer has the money that the Advertisers are hoping to
> get. You
> > >  > get that money by serving them advertisements that hopefully
> imprint
> > >  > in their minds what they need to buy or eat or where they 
> to go
> > >  > for vacation. You can't serve an "advertisement channel", 
> > >  > nobody would watch it, so you have to make content to get the
> people
> > >  > to sit there and watch your advertisements.
> > >  >
> > >  > The content is made by a production team. The production 
team gets
> > >  > its money from the channel or whatever it's broadcasting on. 
> sell
> > >  > a show, you need to make a pilot for use as Proof of Concept
> and also
> > >  > to run by focus groups. You play your pilot for viewers, but,
> again,
> > >  > they don't give the production team any money towards the
> creation of
> > >  > their show, AND even though their responses are recorded and 
> > >  > attention to, they don't have any actual SAY over what 
happens with
> > >  > the show.
> > >  >
> > >  > So that leaves the channel or network as the provider of the
> funds for
> > >  > the show. Plus they have to pay for their real estate, 
> > >  > lights, equipment, staff.... Where does this money come from?
> > >  > Advertisers. While you're pitching shows to stations, they're
> > >  > "pitching" advertising time to advertisers based on the 
> > >  > that they feel are going to tune in to your show. Of course, 
> > >  > are other income sources for the networks, AND for the 
> > >  > teams (like the team could also do corporate video work to 
keep the
> > >  > lights on), but I'm talking about the specific flow of money
> affecting
> > >  > decision-making around shows.
> > >  >
> > >  > Except for stuff like viewer donations to PBS, the viewer 
has ZERO
> > >  > monetary involvement with the creation of shows, AND there is
> nowhere
> > >  > you can go as a viewer to vote for the next show you'd like 
to see.
> > >  > Viewers are not consulted when a new show is coming on. All 
of a
> > >  > sudden, marketing teams start "selling you" the show. You 
see stuff
> > >  > on the internet. They use commercial space on popular shows 
> > >  > publicize the upcoming shows. The buzz is created BY the 
> > >  > teams because THEY'RE the ones that know a show is coming on.
> Even if
> > >  > the buzz appears to come from the viewers, it was created by
> marketers.
> > >  >
> > >  > So, like Jan and Ron are saying, the viewer is the huntED, 
not the
> > >  > huntER. While it's true that a mass exodus by viewers can 
> a show
> > >  > go down the tubes, that's because the station won't be able 
to sell
> > >  > advertising space on that show for more $$,$$$ than some 
> show,
> > >  > and it would be bad business to leave it running.
> > >  >
> > >  > The viewers pay for cable subscriptions, for instance, which 
> spread
> > >  > out amongst ALL the channels they get and ALL the shows on 
> those
> > >  > channels. Advertisers pay SPECIFICALLY to advertise on a 
> > >  > channel or a certain block of shows or a certain show. The 
> > >  > company gets the viewers' money REGARDLESS of whether they 
watch a
> > >  > particular show, so they can't be the ones who "get what they
> want" in
> > >  > this scenario.
> > >  >
> > >  > The goal for the advertisers is to get their money back by
> having the
> > >  > viewers remember their products and/or services and buy them.
> So, as
> > >  > far as shows, the advertisers pay to have customers (the
> viewers) in a
> > >  > particular demographic delivered to them. The viewers pay
> > >  > subscription fees, which cover ALL of their television
> entertainment.
> > >  > Even if you pay for HBO, for instance, you get The Sopranos 
and Oz
> > >  > and everything else on that network. There is no sole
> subscription to
> > >  > "The Sopranos", so it's not possible that the viewers have 
ANY say
> > >  > whatsoever in how it's made, except for not showing up.
> > >  >
> > >  > The viewers aren't the Romans in the stands, making 
> > >  > They're the victims in the pit. Run out of victims, and 
there's no
> > >  show.
> > >  >
> > >  > --
> > >  > Bill Cammack
> > >  >
> > >  >
> > >  >
> > >  > > In the movies, the movie is the product being sold, and the
> viewers
> > >  > > are, to a large degree the customers.
> > >  > >
> > >  > > The movies are not based on the repetitive 'subscriber' 
> model,
> > >  > > which means a movie can be totally shitty viewing 
experience but
> > >  > > still be profitable due to a great marketing campaign from 
> > >  > > corporate media parent companies.
> > >  > >
> > >  > > "It's the greatest movie EVER!" can be heard on all the 
> Corps
> > >  > > media properties, and if it's sold right, a big fat 
> turd of
> > >  > > a flick can recoup it's money.
> > >  > >
> > >  > > I believe that there is far less advertiser control over 
> movie
> > >  > > business than the TV business because of the divergent 
> > >  models.
> > >  > >
> > >  > > TV on the other hand is all but entirely controlled by the
> > >  > > advertisers. With TV there is a relationship. Customers,
> corporate
> > >  > > sponsors, pay to interact with the corporate media's 
product, the
> > >  > > audience. They pay for a captive audience.
> > >  > >
> > >  > > It's not the viewers that force the shutting down of a
> program, it's
> > >  > > the corporate advertisers getting cold feet and abandoning 
> > >  > > Remember, viewers are the product being sold when it comes 
to a
> > >  heavy
> > >  > > advertising based market like TV.
> > >  > >
> > >  > > Listening to your audience is important, and new media 
allows for
> > >  > > that dialogue to take place, but as the show scales up, 
> is a
> > >  > > high degree of probability that your customers, those 
paying your
> > >  > > bills, are going to take issue with your product, the
> viewers, and
> > >  > > that dialogue becomes a nasty triangle of interests.
> > >  > >
> > >  > > So, I guess I kind of agree with your point, but I think 
> your
> > >  > > point falls short of being totally valid when you look at 
> > >  > > different segments of the corporate media.
> > >  > >
> > >  > > Corporations sponsor TV and own the Movies.
> > >  > >
> > >  > > I am one who thinks that the corporate media creates 
reality, and
> > >  > > we're just along for the ride. Sure there are some of us 
who buck
> > >  the
> > >  > > system and don't buy into it, but we're few. Corporations
> dominate
> > >  > > our society: they sponsor our information, they sponsor our
> schools,
> > >  > > they sponsor our politicians, they sponsor our 
legislation, they
> > >  > > sponsor our sports teams, they sponsor our community
> functions, and
> > >  > > if they're not sponsoring it, they own or control it: the
> internet,
> > >  > > our personal information, our communications systems, mass
> > >  transit, etc.
> > >  > >
> > >  > > I don't think that audiences, media consumers, actually 
> > >  > > anything that happens within that power structure. 
Audiences are
> > >  > > manipulated through saturation, cutting edge psychological
> science,
> > >  > > limited competition and sheer volume.
> > >  > >
> > >  > > Cheers,
> > >  > > Ron
> > >  > >
> > >  > > Ron Watson
> > >  > >
> > >  > >
> > >  > >
> > >  > >
> > >  > >
> > >  > >
> > >  > >
> > >  > >
> > >  > >
> > >  > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > >  > >
> > >  >
> > >
> > >
> >

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