Cheers for the info. I didnt mean I wanted to hear controvertial things about 
them, or that 
I rate companies based on controversy, just that they havent been talked about 
in too 
much detail on this list because a lot of the discussions here about companies 
are when 
they do something wrong.

So yeah I just want to hear more about the helping, and people's experiences, 
like that which hasnt been discussed a lot here already. It was only just over 
a year ago 
that there was a brief period here where it looked like some new 
were gonna arrive that would be either about helping, or helping themselves. 
2007 looked 
like an interesting year to progress (or sellout, depending on your 
perspective), but that all 
fizzled out before much came of it, so Im trying to go back and survey the 
reality of the 
slow march to progress, hopefully on a stable foundation, that has emerged over 
years. I would guess that the level of delusions of grandeur and instant 
mega-millions in 
this field has now peaked, and those with the right mix of talent, hard work, 
luck & energy 
will march steadily on towards a fulfilling career in independent online video.

Steve Elbows

--- In, "Bill Cammack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In, "Steve Watkins" <steve@> wrote:
> >
> > Good for them :)
> > 
> > I want to hear more about NNN and others on this list, if anybody
> has any insight. They 
> > must have avoided controversy so far, so we havent heard about them
> too much.
> That's an interesting thing to think about a company... "they have
> avoided controversy"! hahahaha :D
> Their blog is <>.  Lots of the things
> they've done, as well as the people they've hired are mentioned on
> their blog.
> I can't think of anything potentially controversial that they do,
> offhand.  You pitch them a show, and if it looks good to them as far
> as fitting in with their business plan, they'll pick up your show.  If
> it does well, fine.  If not, it goes on hiatus.  It seems to be a
> relatively simple operation.
> From what I've seen over the last year and a half on this group,
> companies become controversial when they get greedy... When they're
> perceived as USING people more than they're HELPING them.  In the case
> of NNN, they give podcasters money for creating content, they aid with
> website creation and super-distribution and they look for advertising
> opportunities / sponsors for their shows.  All that stuff falls under
> the "helping" category, which makes them currently "less
> controversial" than others. :)
> --
> Bill
> > I applauded them once or twice int he past for doing a few things
> better than the others in 
> > my opinion, such as trying to create strongly recognisable channels
> and consistent 
> > content, and perhaps showing some signs of knowing how to entertain
> an audience rather 
> > than be some weird failed web 2.0 disaster.
> > 
> > I dont want to hear only about the bad side of companies, after
> somethings gone wrong 
> > and people are expressing their dissapointment in public. We have
> heard much of the 
> > failings of some. We know that some show creators are looking for
> the following sorts of 
> > things from a partner:
> > 
> > Help with...
> > Distribution
> > Advertising
> > Promotion
> > Show development
> > 
> > 
> > From whats been said so far, there are plenty of partners helping
> with the first two, but 
> > promotion and show development may not have received the same
> emphasis. So is there 
> > anybody who can report anything positive on that front, whether it
> be in relation to NNN 
> > or any other entity?
> > 
> > Cheers
> > 
> > Steve Elbows
> > 
> > --- In, "Rupert Howe" <rupert@> wrote:
> > >
> > > NNN includes shows like including EpicFu/Jetset, Indy Mogul,
> > > Veracifier and Josh Leo's new show Ultra Kawaii.
> > > Congratulations.
> > > 
> > > Blog post here:
> > >
> > views-in-one-year/
> > > or 
> > >
> > >
> >

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