You know, I didn't mean to hijack Sull's comment about challenging
people to push the music video form.  But it's still a project I think
would be great to get going. I'll start another thread on it for
clarity (and so that ppl not following this one will know about it).


On 1/17/08, Brook Hinton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> One of the assignments I give students is to make a music video with
> no music or sound.
> So let's make it a vlogject. The Silencio Project. Silent music
> videos. No other restriction - the openness should provide for an
> interesting peek into people's minds and philosophies about the moving
> image. Tag'em with "silencio". I'll set up a Semanal-like (but simple)
> blog where people can post links to their pieces if they wish, but the
> tag at least will get picked up by mefeedia etc. If someone else wants
> to set up the site, go for it - I wouldn't be able to do it til Monday
> and I'd just be using a template anyway since I'm not a coder.
> Brook
> ________________________________________________
> Brook Hinton
> film/video/audio art
> studio vlog/blog:

Brook Hinton
film/video/audio art
studio vlog/blog:

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