Unless you only care about rich people in large urban metro areas, then  
yes, file sizes do matter.

- Andreas

Den 04.02.2008 kl. 09:44 skrev Heath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I was just curious what people thought about the file sizes of their
> video's or the video's that they subscribe too, download, etc.  Do you
> look at the file size often, does it matter if it's big or not?  by big
> I say over 50 mb.  I know some of the size of your video file is
> dependent on how long your video is, but as we as vloggers start making
> longer and bigger projects, larger and larger file sizes are going to
> be a natural by product right?  I mean using the Ipod settings at
> 640X480 in itself can still create a rather large file depending on the
> length of the video.
> It seemed in the begining, shorter and smaller was better, but is that
> changing at all?  I mean with the push towards HD, with being able to
> view content on the TV, etc, it just seems like its all a part of the
> evolution...or is it?
> I was just curious as to what you all thought.
> Heath
> personal http://batmangeek.com
> professional http://heathparks.com

Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen

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