> What are some best practices for monetizing videos with mature
>  content? And by that I don't mean porn, I mean something that, in
>  terms of propriety, falls somewhere between French Maid TV and a Kevin
>  Smith film (leaning more toward the former most of the time, but
>  occasionally careening toward the latter).
>  I know that's going to cut out certain revenue partners whose TOS's
>  preclude such things, such as - I'm guessing - AdSense.
>  So my question, I guess, is can anybody name any revenue partners that
>  don't care if your content is a little racy or risque? Especially now
>  that Revver is likely going bye-bye...

good question.
I think blip has a pretty open policy about content you can post...and
I assume this also extends to what video you can use their ads on.
not sure though.

I wouldnt think itd be hard to find advertisers even if it was porn.


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