Big Energy buying up and sitting on renewable energy to ensure the  
continued commoditization of energy.

Enron was the largest wind producer in America. BP Bought and  
throttled down Solarex, the most promising solar company in the  
nation at one time.

Big Oil and Automakers standing sqarely in the way of CAFE standards  
to protect automakers and ensure Big Oil's exponential profits we see  

Massive expenditures and effort to deny global warming and then the  
subsequent greenwashing that we see today.

The criminalization of Marijuana.

Amoco and GM purchasing and dismantling light rail to ensure that the  
automobile became the mandatory mode of transportation in America.

This is like shooting fish in a barrel.

Lobbying, in and of itself, is creation and maintenence of market  
trends. It is not adapting, it is visionary.
CATO is not visionary?
AEI is not visionary?
The Chemical and Manufacturing association is not visionary?
Billions are spent to influence and control public policy to suit  
their interests.

Was that a joke?

Ron Watson

On Feb 11, 2008, at 7:25 PM, Charles HOPE wrote:

> Ron Watson wrote:
> > Steve, great post as always..
> >
> > I'll give an explanation.
> >
> > We're scary.
> Show us evidence (even anecdotal) that Big Business is visionary  
> enough to
> realize this, or plans long-term enough to take steps to shut down.  
> I think
> you are presuming that Big Business is a rational, energetic actor,  
> and that
> you are mistaken. Big Business does not conspire to change  
> contexts, but adapts.
> > These guys built their empire promising us exactly what we have
> > today: "Every man a publisher. Every man a Network."
> >
> > It was the bone they threw the public and elected officials to get
> > relaxed regulation, re-regulation in their interests and support for
> > their projects.
> It seems quite naïve to hold an industry to the empty promises made  
> by its
> lobbyists in a system so corrupt. The actual promises delivered  
> concerned
> strings of zeros deposited in legislators' bank accounts.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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