I LOVE LEDs. just make sure you get some CTO to compensate for the
color temp that tends to be cold, in which case, they're great to
balance with daylight. but it's soft and energy saving and usually
comes with a dimmer. aside from the on-board panels, DP JoaquĆ­n
Baca-Asay (DP of "Thumbsucker") swears by 1x1 ft LED panels for soft
natural light.

good luck.

On 2/11/08, JD Lasica <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Markus,
>  No, the lowlife who stole my Canon Digital Rebel didn't return it, so
>  I need to buy a new digital camera, but that's for another list. :~)
>  If you're in the market for an LED light, I discovered that the DV
>  Estore (www.dvestore.com) in Washington state sells them for $299 plus
>  $8 shipping.
>  jd lasica
>  realpeoplenetwork.com
>  ourmedia.org

Brian Gonzalez

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