Thanks, Jay, good point on the flexibility of a feedburner feed.

So, are there any stat-hounds in the house?


--- In, "Jay dedman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 1) What are the must-have stats? gives page views but
> > not unique visitor counts and it does not give clickthoughs on its
> im not the best one to answer.
> but if you look at Federated Media...they seem to charge by page views:
> Your video stats would probably be the click throughs.
> > 2) Should I stick with the feed or install feedburner?
> > wordpress is slowly bringing back feed stats. They currently let me
> > see how many hits on a particular post come from its feed and they'll
> > eventually let me know the total number of feed subscribers. But
> > wordpress is rolling out new features slowly. Feedburner will give me
> > clickthroughs. Are there other compelling reasons to go with
> > feedburner? I realize I may want to use feedburner to capture email
> > subscribers.
> feedburner is nice because if you ever decide to change your feed in
> the future, you can switch it out...and viewers wont know the
> difference.
> this is a nice feature of Feedburner.
> > 3) Do I want to install a stat counter and, if so, which one should I
> > install? The only stat counters that supports are
> > sitemeter, statcounter, shiny stats and activemeter. I lean towards
> > sitemeter—anyone having issues with sitemeter?
> dont know this one.
> > 4) If I switch to a self-hosted blog with, will that
> > cause a problem? What do I need to know about transitioning my stats?
> im not sure i understand your question.
> whatever stat counter you use should work on whatever blog you use.
> to me, stats are often fuzzy and whatever you choose to present to
the world.
> Im sure there are some stat hounds on this list who can school us both.
> jay
> -- 
> 917 371 6790

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