You also may be getting the double-anamorphic effect that comes from
changing anamorphic settings of a sequence after anamorphic clips are
already in (and other such scenarios where FCP's behavior is based on
relative rather than fixed changes). For this, their solution would be to
manually change the aspect ratio if the clips in the motion tab, match frame
and reedit the clips, or (as long as there isn't any other basic motion
stuff going on) just change one clip and copy-paste basic motion attributes
to the rest.
This doesn't help you now of course - what the people delivering the
material really need to do is edit anamorphic in an anamorphic sequence from
the get go, then if they want letterboxed they can nest it into  into a 4:3
sequence (or deliver 16:9 to you leaving you with all the options).


Brook Hinton
film/video/audio art
studio vlog/blog:

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