hi christine!

nice to hear from you :)

On 6/19/08, CCP <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Hello, all. My name is Christine and I'm a Lurker. (you say: "Hi,
> Christine")
> I joined the group just a little while ago. A friend suggested I come and
> take a look. The level of expertise is indeed astounding; I'm learning a
> lot.
> I know some of you from around the web, but for those of you who don't know
> me: I'm a live streamer (with my N95) on various sites like Qik and
> Bambuser; a video tester at places like Seesmic and Phreadz; I am currently
> shooting (in mini DV format) a show that features my precocious 8 year old
> daughter called, aptly, "The Lyrica Show;" I'm learning how to edit it; Geo
> Geller has provided a ton of inspiration and help (as well as a mic!) for
> this project.
> May I humbly say that I think this group doesn't have to be feverishly
> active to remain relevant and helpful. (Don't forget, for a newbie like me,
> the searchable archives for yahoo groups are a fantastic knowledge base in
> themselves.) Most groups slow down and morph into something like an
> exclusive chatroom. This may be what is happening here. It probably should
> be encouraged, actually. The pioneers here can post occasionally to get
> expert feedback. It's like having a 'focus group' on tap. Perfect.
> Thanks! I'll go back to lurking now.
> -Christine Cavalier, a.k.a. PurpleCar
> http://www.purplecar.net/
> P.S. **Jan, I'm so sorry I missed you when you were in Philly! :-( **
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