I would like to go as well, but am iffy about plopping down money on a
flight if it might be for nothing. Though I am fine with paying the reg fee
if it's refundable if the event gets canceled.

I think this event can be fun *and* inspiring in a serious way, providing
some good face-to-face interaction to ignite the sparks that are flying
through the tubes.

I am registering right now!

On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 7:21 PM, Rupert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   i left out "in the hottest week of the year"
> as in:
> "5 days away (including my daughter's birthday) when she's 8 months
> pregnant, in the hottest week of the year"
> this by itself is a sackable offense, even if I was going for Work.
> It's a tough sell.
> On 30-Jun-08, at 4:10 PM, ruperthowe wrote:
> if i tell my wife that i'm burning $1000 that i can't really afford to
> spend 5 days away (including my daughter's birthday) when she's 8
> months pregnant and when my sister, her boyfriend and her two kids are
> visiting from England and staying in our house.... just for FUN, then
> i'll get fired. maritally speaking.
> if i'm coming, i'm coming to kick some mothervloggin' ass. not chew
> straw and whittle.
> R
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Lauren Galanter

video editor / media designer / filmmaker / videoblogger

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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