Rupert - I edit HD (hdv transcoded or rendering to prores, dvcprohd,)
at 1080p every day in fcp on a macbook pro. You definitely want one or
more good  FW800 or esata drives, though I'd think a 5400rpm internal
should handle it (though without much in the way of real time
effects). I've even done color correction for other people's HD
projects on this system (using an MXO for output), though they're
doing the final renders on their own systems.

That's also not editing native h.264, which I doubt I'd do even if FCP
handled it without a hiccup and with 10 streams using 6 layers each of
effects in real time.but that's just me and my snooty image control


Brook Hinton
film/video/audio art
studio vlog/blog:

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