I've been having problems with the external hard drives on my Mac.
When my two 500 GB internal drives filled up, I bought a LaCie 1000 GB
external drive. It started playing videos stop-and-go once I got up to
650 GBs used.
I bought a second Lacie 1000 GB drive and found it wouldn't mount when
my computer turned on. Then I bought a Lacie 2000 GB drive which
turned out to be defective & which I got replaced.
At the Apple store, the "genius" said that Lacie external drives were
no longer "the best" since they had changed their internal drives. He
suggested we buy a G-tech 1000 GB external drive which I did and now
it has the same irregular playback problem I had in the others.
So, I've spent $450 + $400 + $500 + $350, a total of $1700 in external
drives only to find I will have to use most of them for storage and
back-up and continually shift the video I want to edit and export to
my camera and DVDs back to the two 500 GB internal drives in my G5 Mac.
We thought it might be the ram so I added 4 ram to the 2 already
there. That helped a little bit. Then I upgraded to Leopard from
Tiger because someone suggested it was my operating system.
I'm beginning to think the only way to have lots of GBs (4000)
available for use is to spend some $6000 more on a new Power Mac.
Does anyone have any suggestions? Have you had similar problems?
Finally, at one time I was afraid I'd have to pay to have the data
retrieved from one of my one-terabyte drives by Tech Serve &
discovered they charged $1800 to do so. I managed to retrieve the
data without that expense--which was a small relief & an advertisement
against using any external drive larger than a one terabyte because it
would cost $3600 to get the data off of a two terabyte drive. Yuk.
Videoblogging can become a very expensive hobby.