Most people hated Ning last year, and it made it a real pain in the  
ass to view and archive things.

So this year we're doing it at

Frank is working on tweaking some things for us.  They just launched  
a new site.  Go check it out.

Our channel will be:

Everybody adds their feed to that channel, and any videos on those  
feeds will show up in the channel.   It's more reliable than using  
Tags.  (tag your videos anyway - navlopomo2008)

Mefeedia are going to set it up so that only videos shot in November  
show up, and so that we can filter by day.

I think we'll have a cool Theater View as well, for a lean back big  
screen experience.

At the bottom of the channel you can see all comments (those on  
Mefeedia) and activity.  So we can comment and discuss there.  On  
each video page there's a link back to the original post on your blog.

There's a feed for the channel, so you can subscribe to all Navlopomo  
videos in Miro, FireAnt, iTunes, AppleTV, whatever you like.

Low maintenance, maximum features.  The only thing it doesn't have is  
a discussion forum, but almost all the discussion happens in the  
comments and in the videos themselves anyway.  And I like it better  
that way.

I think it's going to rock.


On 24-Oct-08, at 2:24 PM, Mike Moon wrote:

Rupert, how are things looking for NaVloPoMo message forum?

I will be participating in NaVloPoMo again this year.
Should be a hoot.


--- In, Rupert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > Thanks, Pat - I was going to post about NaVloPoMo later today, but
 > you've pre-empted and prompted me.
 > Hope you're up for it!
 > On 24-Oct-08, at 12:15 PM, Pat Cook wrote:
 > From: Jen
 > Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 10:58 AM
 > Subject: [podcasters] NaPodPoMo: National Podcast Post Month Nov.  
 > Greetings Fellow Podcasters,
 > It's that time of year again.
 > No, not Fall,
 > NaPodPoMo!
 > From November 1-30th we'll be participating in the annual event which
 > is the National Podcast Post Month.
 > Last year was the first time a month long daily podcasting marathon
 > had ever been attempted on such a large scale. By the time it was all
 > said and done there were 50 ambitious podcasters who participated in
 > NaPodPoMo.
 > The conversations are already happening on the NaPoPoMo Ning site so
 > swing on by to add your voice.
 > The rules for the November 1-30th NaPodPoMo are simple:
 > .Post audio in any form every day
 > That's it!
 > Feel free to be creative. You can post a traditional podcast or use
 > Utterli, BlogTalkRadio, TalkShoe, etc... Some folks have even
 > incorporated video into their posts.
 > There is no time limit. Got a one minute tip show or an hour long
 > diatribe? As long as you post audio every day, it all counts.
 > The site is open for new registrations. Tell your friends and start
 > training now for the podcast marathon that is NaPodPoMo.
 > Remember, hydration is key ;-D
 > Cheers,
 > Jennifer Navarrete
 > --
 > Morning BrewCast
 > --
 > Living the Dream
 > Visit National Podcast Post Month at:
 > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
 > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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