Michael here again, this time with very good news. My friend and I fiddle a bit 
with the 
code  you suggested and found one change which gave the results we wanted. All 
required was the inclusion of an "A" before the "http". Like this: 
{HREF:A<> T<_blank>}Maximus{endHREF}

Thank you for helping us get to the point where we could experiment and get it 
to work. 
--- In, Rupert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Enclose the URL with < and > and then add a space and T<_blank>  
> before the curly bracket.
> Thus:
> {href<:> T<_blank> }Maxium{endHREF}
> Any reason the printed name Maxium is different from MaximusSpaSalon?  
> Not a typo?
> There's a different - and often more elegant - way to add clickable  
> links in Quicktime movies, if you have Adobe GoLive - or even Adobe  
> Photoshop.  You can create clickable invisible hotspots in the  
> "Sprite Track" which can sit invisibly over Logos or Text in your  
> movie, thus making those graphics clickable but without a great big  
> blue text link appearing in your nice Quicktime movie.
> Also, you can use the Sprite track to make the whole frame of the  
> movie clickable between certain time periods.
> Rupert
> On 24-Oct-08, at 5:25 AM, Bookmarts wrote:
> Finally learned how to create a hyperlink of my Credits in a  
> QuickTime movie, by using this
> html code sequence:
> [00:00:00.000]
> {textBox: 0, 0, 50, 160}Makeup by Richard Calcasola at
> [00:00:02.000]
> {textBox: 0, 0, 50, 160}click here:
> {href:}Maxium{endhref}
> [00:00:08.000]
> But, cannot figure out how to get that link to open in a separate  
> browser window when
> clicked on while viewing the movie. The code <a target="_blank">  
> should work if I knew
> where it should appear. Regardless of where I enter it in the html  
> string it does not operate
> as it should.
> Any help is appreciated.
> Michael
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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