> I also never thought that video would take off on the web the way it
> has. The side effect of that, it seems to me, is that there is still a
> lot of respect paid to being succinct and to the point -- if only to
> keep file size down.
> The other difference is that video lasts longer -- has a longer shelf
> life -- on the web -- than audio. This is partly due to the fact that
> video is easier to locate, but it is also a medium than is not treated
> as something esoteric, maybe even archaic, as audio seems to often be.
> While I may respect audio and radio especially as a medium it doesn't
> mean that everyone is going to want to listen as I do to 'x' number of
> podcasts each and every week.
> So I'm in the process of moving from podcasting & blogging -- text
> plus audio -- to a setup where I utilize more vlogging ad I reckon
> there is magical wisdom in the multimedia mix.

welcome dave.
Its funny to read your statements because for a long time, people said
online video was difficult to search.
Also, people talked about being able to listen to audio podcasts while
dong other things (driving, etc)
I agree that circumstances have changed.

I actually listen to a handful of podcasts that give good information
and dont waste my time.


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