> I always wanted to see podcasters record stories with people. Shorter
> snippets. Maybe audio diaries. Maybe just a bunch of natural sounds?
> Give me a good 10 minutes of something I cant hear on the radio.
> Fuck the radio format.
> There was a little bit of this, but the podcasting swell didnt seem to
> go in that direction.

And don't forget the fragmented nature of many people's time. I simply
don't have the time to dedicate to even a half-hour podcast show, let
alone a feed-catcher full of long-format stuff, but grabbing a minute
or two of videoblog here and there is much more easily achievable.

Back in 2004 or so I subscribed to a whole bunch of interesting
short-format audio stuff: people reading short stories; sound effects;
jokes; quizzes; soundscapes; short language lessons and so on. Most of
them have long since faded away, but some of that sort still exist. My
daughter is enjoying Coffee Break Spanish
<http://coffeebreakspanish.libsyn.com/>, and I notice that PodQuiz
<http://www.podquiz.com/> is still going strong.

Anyone else got any recommendations?

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