I feel it's important for two reasons - wasted opportunities and  
wasted time:

1) it's just a terrible wasted opportunity for a company like the BBC  
to not Get It.  they could do so much good.  even for a big US  
network - they have the resources to create fantastic content,  
networks and opportunities if they Got It.

2) all the time they're banging on down the other path, they're  
driving the creation of closed interfaces and hardware - solutions  
which will impede the progress of independents in reaching a wider  
audience.  eventually this will break down, but it might take many  
years - all wasted time.


On 13-Nov-08, at 11:28 AM, @sull wrote:

Why do they NEED TO GET IT?
Why do "we" feel like we NEED THEM TO GET IT?

Co-Existing not feasible?

Is this about getting picked up by the old suits or is this about
Independents being able to leverage technology to publish their works  
fins a market?

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