I've asked around on Twitter about this.
A lot of people use and like Dreamhost, and they have various nice  
things like automatic Wordpress installation.
If you need a bit more, people seem to like MediaTemple.

If you want to go green - in light of the data-centers-polluting-more- 
than-airlines-by-2020 thing - Dreamhost offset their power use with  
carbon credits.  For properly green hosting, AISO.net is the biggest  
solar powered host, I think, based in California.  When my payment  
period is up with my current host, I'm moving to http:// 
solarenergyhost.com which is a solar & hydro powered host using  
AISO's servers but based in Vancouver.


On 14-Nov-08, at 11:24 AM, Lil Peck wrote:

On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 1:11 PM, bmilam52 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > Hostgator blows.
 > I need a new web host for my blog. I'm sick of trying to get into my
 > blog and always running into a problem. What's a good host that some
 > of you use?

I use seekdotnet.com. It isn't perfect -- no host is, but so far, of
all the ones I have tried over the years. this one has been the best.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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