Hi Jay,

thanks for your kind review. After a "wait-a-minute" moment, I
realized who you were. Not too long ago you gave me some encouraging
advice about vlogging and I set this up.

It's done on Joomla. You are right about the context. I tried to dress
up the YouTube channel, but it's true, you can only do so much. My
hope is that someone will see a video in the wild, will see the
watermark and will head over to www.myfirstmemory.org for more.

I really don't have the urgency or energy to set up any forums or
commenting system, so the site will probably stay as it is. If I could
 do one thing, I would like to find an easy way for people to send me
their video so I can put it in the series...

This, and the fact that I don't think I will ever do any high-quality
video, lead me to think that YouTube is fine for now... frankly, I
like to actually talk to people and find out their first memory a lot
more than I like promoting the vlog. I would like to collect more
memories than viewers...

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Jay dedman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am a newbie in this vlog-whatchamacallit thing, so please be kind
> > and forgive me if this is a stupid question.
> > I have been uploading at YouTube, and I am curious why so many other
> > people use Blip or Vimeo or such other services.
> > Is it the quality?
> > Because in my mind, the social functions and the masses of people that
> > are on YouTube make it the only option for me. I also don't have the
> > patience for multi-site distribution through TubeMogul or otherwise...
> I checked out your videoblog: http://www.myfirstmemory.org/
> cool project: aksing different people their first memory.
> and nice layout...did you code that page yourself?
> or is that a service?
> And yes, some of us post on sites like Vimeo or blip because the
> quality of compression is better.
> Also, blip hosts your original file and lets you cross-upload to
> archive.org so there's a double backup.
> also, it's easier to talk with sites like blip if there's an issue
> because they will actually respond.
> all depends on what is most important to you.
> When I checked out your site, it looks important that people see the
> videos in context of your page...versus someone finding in the wild on
> Youtube.
> Jay
> -- 
> http://jaydedman.com
> 917 371 6790

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