On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 3:37 PM, Brook Hinton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm in the process of rethinking/redesigning my whole approach to online
> video and videblogging.
> The one thought that is solid now: decoupling the concept of
> RSS/Subscribe-ability from presentation. The blog format is a convenient
> means of providing updates to the small subset of my viewers that uses feed
> readers and whatnot via rss, but that doesn't mean a blog has to be the the
> format in which the material itself is viewed.
> Don't know where its going but I'm certainly following the discussion here
> with great interest.
> I do think a blog is still a viable format for a highly conceptual or
> series-based project.

Im glad Heath started this thread.
Maybe we need to identify what people don't like.
When someone says "i dont like the blog"...is it just the nature of
posts from Recent to old?

When I first thought about posting video online, Peter Van Djick
showed me how to blog because i didnt know how to code html.
he recognized that it would be too difficult for me to code a website
everytime I wanted to post a new video.
That's why the blog as a CMS was so smart.
Youtube is a CMS.
all these videos sites we use are content management systems.

I also have wanted more control of how things looked on my blog.
I wish I could just drag and drop different elements on my blog in real time.
I wish i wasnt hampered by "this is the sidebar"..."this is the
header"...."this is the footer"...
and to change any of this stuff, I have to go into the code to change it.

I would love to have a CMS where I can overlap things, and rearrange
content everyday just by dragging it around.


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