On 21 Jan 2009, at 17:53, Rupert wrote:

> As for the feed autodiscover, that's a glitch - I contacted them  
> about that.

Okay, thanks for following up.

> You've got to expect things like that on the first day.

Thank goodness it was just a website feed, eh? ;)

> Also, they don't have any videos up yet, so that might explain why  
> it's not been found yet.

To me it seems like a basic programming error - they could have had  
either a "Hello World" entry, or simply not offered the auto- 
discovery feed link until there was an entry. But hey, in the grand  
scheme of things, it's hardly a crisis, is it? I've subscribed - now  
that I can: <http://www.whitehouse.gov/feed/blog/>


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