I have nothing but spare time these days. I'm more than happy to sit down and 
longer format videos :)


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Brook Hinton <bhin...@...> wrote:
> The time necessary to create significant/valuable/meaningful long form work,
> and in many cases even short form work, is why, for better or worse, money
> is often necessarily part of the sustainability equation for media artists
> and documentarians even in this age of ultra low cost tools and diy
> distribution via the web.
> I don't think Chris Marker made "Sans Soleil" in his "spare time", and I
> don't think he could now even with an HV30, Final Cut Pro, ultra high speed
> broadband, and a waiting audience on Vimeo.
> (Which makes it all the more inspiring to see people like Jay and Ryanne
> embarking on such journeys anyway.)
> Brook
> _______________________________________________________
> Brook Hinton
> film/video/audio art
> www.brookhinton.com
> studio vlog/blog: www.brookhinton.com/temporalab
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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