I don't know how to do that.  Looking at the options, as you have, I  
can't see a way to do it.  I'm surprised, because almost everything  
else you can turn on or off.  There might be a parameter you can put  
into the Advanced section - try using the form on the Blip site to  
ask them.

On 11-Mar-09, at 8:39 AM, sweetmagnoliasstudio wrote:

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Rupert <rup...@...> wrote:
 >Thanks Rupert ...Yes I have been reading in several places that IE  
can cause some headaches with different applications ..so I may look  
into Firfox now that I am embarking on some new things here on the net.

Hey I have another question for you ...When I embed the videos into  
my site and I click play and they run to the end ..a little box pops  
up that has two options ...More and Again ...How do I disable that  
box ..or change the setting for that ..because when you click the  
more option it begins playing the entire rest of my class videos and  
I am trying to add a Welcome video to my main page ..But I sure don't  
need all my class videos to be viewed through it ..I went to another  
persons class sight and tried out their video that they have  
customized on blip and when you click on the more option ..you just  
get something that comes up and reads error...so I figure they have  
disabled that option somehow.....??? thought maybe you could point me  
in the right direction ...

O.k. once again ,..Thanks..Sara

 > Yes, internet explorer is a bit of a pain, but Blip should have their
 > site tested to work with IE, since it's still the most popular
 > browser, I think. I think maybe they're Mac users.
 > Firefox is good, it's what I use on my Mac, and Blip works fine with
 > it, as do most things.
 > On 9-Mar-09, at 6:53 PM, sweetmagnoliasstudio wrote:
 > --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Rupert <rupert@> wrote:
 > >
 > I am using Internet Explorer ..I am guessing from what I have been
 > reading lately ..that's a problem ? So should I use Firefox ..would
 > that be better ?
 > > Ahhh... What web browser are you using?
 > >
 > > On 9-Mar-09, at 2:11 PM, sweetmagnoliasstudio wrote:
 > >
 > > --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Rupert <rupert@> wrote:
 > >
 > > >O.k. ...I did it but I have to tell you that I would have had it
 > > days ago ...Very Frustrating ..and I found the problem just now...
 > >
 > > On the page where the embed and show player button are...you kept
 > > mentioning that I should have a choice ..as to what cutomized  
 > > I wanted .. I kept looking for this option and could not find  
it ..so
 > > as I am looking very close I see writing behind the share and show
 > > player buttons ..so I go between them with my cursor and the  
 > > drop down menu pops down with the cutom players I have made in
 > > it ...so it is being hidden by the buttons and you can't see that
 > > option. So I never even knew that option existed ..talk about hours
 > > of wasted time clicking on that customize button and making player
 > > after player and getting no where ..
 > >
 > > Oh Well
 > >
 > > Well I wouldn't have found it without you Rupert ..you got me to
 > > looking closely at things ..So THANK YOU VERY MUCH !! Don't know if
 > > that's a glitch on Bliptvs end but boy I hope they get that
 > remedied ..
 > >
 > > Thanks to all here who helped ..I am very grateful !!
 > >
 > > Have a Great Day !!! Sara
 > >
 > > > OK. I left out the part where I should have said "copy and paste
 > the
 > > > code". I think you might be so frustrated with it all that you're
 > > > looking too hard.
 > > >
 > > > You're on the video page, you've clicked Share, chosen Embed and
 > > > clicked Go - then just copy the code that appears. Don't click
 > "Edit
 > > > player customizations." The code you're supposed to be embedding
 > > > starts with this:
 > > > <embed src="http://blip.tv/play/...
 > > >
 > > > That's what you want to copy and paste into your page. Just that.
 > > > It's in a big box directly under the thing you've just clicked.
 > > >
 > > > Like I said, you can just leave the setting on the Default Show
 > > > Player. As I said before, this "Default Show Player" is not the
 > > > other Whole Show Player you've been embedding, this is a  
 > > > single episode player. Or, if you want to use your customized
 > player
 > > > with the branding and color changes you made in the Manage Show
 > > > Player section, you can choose it by clicking "Default Show
 > Player" -
 > > > a menu will pop up and you can choose your own player. That will
 > > > change the embed code, and you can copy that.
 > > >
 > > > Rupert
 > > >
 > > >
 > > > On 9-Mar-09, at 1:15 PM, sweetmagnoliasstudio wrote:
 > > >
 > > > --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Rupert <rupert@> wrote:
 > > > >Hi Rupert ..Thanks for taking the time to help. I have went over
 > > > your directions and I guess I must have a hole in my head ..LOL
 > > > because I still can't get it to work ..so let me answer your
 > > > questions and then tell you what I have done thus far.
 > > >
 > > > 1. Yes I just want to add 1 video for each segment.
 > > > 2 . Yes I am talking about embedding seperate single videos  
using a
 > > > customized player.
 > > >
 > > > So I did what you said and I went to my Dashobard and click on  
 > > > all your posts" ..My 4 videos showed up ..I then clicked on 1 of
 > them
 > > > and as you said on the right side clicked on embed ..then the box
 > > > next to it had the options show player ..legacy player ...or
 > > > wordpress.com ...I left it on show player ...
 > > >
 > > > then the only option under the code is Edit Player
 > > > Customizations ..when you click on this it takes you back to the
 > > > "manage Show Player page" Where I chose all the individual  
 > > > for each page that I wanted.
 > > >
 > > > In General I added my name * clicked on Single Episode * and
 > > > unchecked the share and embed option
 > > >
 > > > In branding I added my own name and left the blip Url
 > > >
 > > > Guide I had no clue so I left it checked Use this guide
 > > >
 > > > Colors I chose my colors
 > > >
 > > > Features I unchecked the share and embed code
 > > >
 > > > and in the preview section the player is correct but it isn't
 > showing
 > > > the video segment that I clicked on to begin with.
 > > >
 > > > O.k. that is where I am at ...I'm am sorry to be so naive about
 > > > this ..It sure seems like a very simple process ..so I feel so
 > stupid
 > > > not getting this. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your
 > help ..
 > > >
 > > > Sara
 > > >
 > > > > Hi Sarah - welcome :)
 > > > > I use custom Blip players a lot.
 > > > > I think when you say Segments, you just mean 1 video for each
 > > > > segment, yes? You're talking about embedding separate single
 > videos
 > > > > using your customised player?
 > > > > The trick is not to embed from "My Show" but to embed from the
 > > > > individual video post page.
 > > > > Go to your Dashboard and click on a video to go to its page.
 > > > > Click Share, on the right hand side, and choose "Embed" from  
 > > menu
 > > > > that pops up, then click Go.
 > > > > You should now see the embed code for that individual video,
 > with a
 > > > > menu that says "Custom Player Style: Default Show Player". You
 > can
 > > > > just use this setting to embed an individual video - it's
 > different
 > > > > from the "My Show" player, confusingly. Or you can choose a
 > > > > customized player with your own choice of buttons and  
colors, by
 > > > > clicking the "Custom Player Style" menu, and choosing your  
 > > > > player from the menu. If you've created and saved a custom  
 > > > > correctly, you will have given it its own name.
 > > > >
 > > > > The other thing you can do is combine more than one video in a
 > > custom
 > > > > player, using Playlists. Add as many videos as you want to a
 > > > > Playlist, and then either use the standard embed code in the
 > > Playlist
 > > > > section, or create your own custom player and change Type to
 > > > > "Playlist" - then choose the playlist you've created.
 > > > >
 > > > > Weird that Blip haven't replied - they're usually super
 > > efficient at
 > > > > replying - it's always been one of the best things about them.
 > > > >
 > > > > Rupert
 > > > > http://twittervlog.tv
 > > > >
 > > > > On 8-Mar-09, at 9:51 AM, Sara Vanderwork wrote:
 > > > >
 > > > > Hi ..I am new to this group and bliptv ...I am having some
 > trouble
 > > > > with the Manage Show Player ..It's probably a very simple
 > > > > solution ..but I just can't seem to figure it out. So if anyone
 > > could
 > > > > guide me I would be more than appreciative.
 > > > >
 > > > > O.k. I am giving an online class ..where I need to insert
 > > individual
 > > > > segments. So I have 4 segements uploaded. And when I go to My
 > > > > Show ..and click on the segment I want the Copy and Paste code
 > > > > for ..It gives me obviously ..the default player. So I saw
 > that you
 > > > > can customize the player just under the Code ..and I went over
 > and
 > > > > customized each section and saved it. But I still can't get  
 > > > > segment ..to have the customized player. So I know there must
 > be a
 > > > > setting that I need to change ..However I must be missing it
 > > because
 > > > > I have played with all the setting for 2 days now and still
 > > can't get
 > > > > it to work the way I want.
 > > > >
 > > > > So any guidance on how to get the customized player to work  
 > > each
 > > > > segment so I can embed the code would be Great.
 > > > >
 > > > > Thanks ...Sara
 > > > >
 > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
 > > > >
 > > > >
 > > > >
 > > > >
 > > > > Rupert
 > > > > http://twittervlog.tv/
 > > > > Creative Mobile Filmmaking
 > > > > Shot, edited and sent with my Nokia N93
 > > > >
 > > > >
 > > > >
 > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
 > > > >
 > > >
 > > >
 > > >
 > > >
 > > > Rupert
 > > > http://twittervlog.tv/
 > > > Creative Mobile Filmmaking
 > > > Shot, edited and sent with my Nokia N93
 > > >
 > > >
 > > >
 > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
 > > >
 > >
 > >
 > >
 > >
 > > Rupert
 > > http://twittervlog.tv/
 > > Creative Mobile Filmmaking
 > > Shot, edited and sent with my Nokia N93
 > >
 > >
 > >
 > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
 > >
 > Rupert
 > http://twittervlog.tv/
 > Creative Mobile Filmmaking
 > Shot, edited and sent with my Nokia N93
 > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Creative Mobile Filmmaking
Shot, edited and sent with my Nokia N93

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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