Ahhh...  What web browser are you using?

On 9-Mar-09, at 2:11 PM, sweetmagnoliasstudio wrote:

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Rupert <rup...@...> wrote:

 >O.k. ...I did it but I have to tell you that I would have had it  
days ago ...Very Frustrating ..and I found the problem just now...

On the page where the embed and show player button are...you kept  
mentioning that I should have a choice ..as to what cutomized player  
I wanted .. I kept looking for this option and could not find it ..so  
as I am looking very close I see writing behind the share and show  
player buttons ..so I go between them with my cursor and the stinking  
drop down menu pops down with the cutom players I have made in  
it ...so it is being hidden by the buttons and you can't see that  
option. So I never even knew that option existed ..talk about hours  
of wasted time clicking on that customize button and making player  
after player and getting no where ..

Oh Well

Well I wouldn't have found it without you Rupert ..you got me to  
looking closely at things ..So THANK YOU VERY MUCH !! Don't know if  
that's a glitch on Bliptvs end but boy I hope they get that remedied ..

Thanks to all here who helped ..I am very grateful !!

Have a Great Day !!! Sara

 > OK. I left out the part where I should have said "copy and paste the
 > code". I think you might be so frustrated with it all that you're
 > looking too hard.
 > You're on the video page, you've clicked Share, chosen Embed and
 > clicked Go - then just copy the code that appears. Don't click "Edit
 > player customizations." The code you're supposed to be embedding
 > starts with this:
 > <embed src="http://blip.tv/play/...
 > That's what you want to copy and paste into your page. Just that.
 > It's in a big box directly under the thing you've just clicked.
 > Like I said, you can just leave the setting on the Default Show
 > Player. As I said before, this "Default Show Player" is not the
 > other Whole Show Player you've been embedding, this is a different
 > single episode player. Or, if you want to use your customized player
 > with the branding and color changes you made in the Manage Show
 > Player section, you can choose it by clicking "Default Show Player" -
 > a menu will pop up and you can choose your own player. That will
 > change the embed code, and you can copy that.
 > Rupert
 > On 9-Mar-09, at 1:15 PM, sweetmagnoliasstudio wrote:
 > --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Rupert <rupert@> wrote:
 > >Hi Rupert ..Thanks for taking the time to help. I have went over
 > your directions and I guess I must have a hole in my head ..LOL
 > because I still can't get it to work ..so let me answer your
 > questions and then tell you what I have done thus far.
 > 1. Yes I just want to add 1 video for each segment.
 > 2 . Yes I am talking about embedding seperate single videos using a
 > customized player.
 > So I did what you said and I went to my Dashobard and click on "see
 > all your posts" ..My 4 videos showed up ..I then clicked on 1 of them
 > and as you said on the right side clicked on embed ..then the box
 > next to it had the options show player ..legacy player ...or
 > wordpress.com ...I left it on show player ...
 > then the only option under the code is Edit Player
 > Customizations ..when you click on this it takes you back to the
 > "manage Show Player page" Where I chose all the individual options
 > for each page that I wanted.
 > In General I added my name * clicked on Single Episode * and
 > unchecked the share and embed option
 > In branding I added my own name and left the blip Url
 > Guide I had no clue so I left it checked Use this guide
 > Colors I chose my colors
 > Features I unchecked the share and embed code
 > and in the preview section the player is correct but it isn't showing
 > the video segment that I clicked on to begin with.
 > O.k. that is where I am at ...I'm am sorry to be so naive about
 > this ..It sure seems like a very simple process ..so I feel so stupid
 > not getting this. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your help ..
 > Sara
 > > Hi Sarah - welcome :)
 > > I use custom Blip players a lot.
 > > I think when you say Segments, you just mean 1 video for each
 > > segment, yes? You're talking about embedding separate single videos
 > > using your customised player?
 > > The trick is not to embed from "My Show" but to embed from the
 > > individual video post page.
 > > Go to your Dashboard and click on a video to go to its page.
 > > Click Share, on the right hand side, and choose "Embed" from the  
 > > that pops up, then click Go.
 > > You should now see the embed code for that individual video, with a
 > > menu that says "Custom Player Style: Default Show Player". You can
 > > just use this setting to embed an individual video - it's different
 > > from the "My Show" player, confusingly. Or you can choose a
 > > customized player with your own choice of buttons and colors, by
 > > clicking the "Custom Player Style" menu, and choosing your custom
 > > player from the menu. If you've created and saved a custom player
 > > correctly, you will have given it its own name.
 > >
 > > The other thing you can do is combine more than one video in a  
 > > player, using Playlists. Add as many videos as you want to a
 > > Playlist, and then either use the standard embed code in the  
 > > section, or create your own custom player and change Type to
 > > "Playlist" - then choose the playlist you've created.
 > >
 > > Weird that Blip haven't replied - they're usually super  
efficient at
 > > replying - it's always been one of the best things about them.
 > >
 > > Rupert
 > > http://twittervlog.tv
 > >
 > > On 8-Mar-09, at 9:51 AM, Sara Vanderwork wrote:
 > >
 > > Hi ..I am new to this group and bliptv ...I am having some trouble
 > > with the Manage Show Player ..It's probably a very simple
 > > solution ..but I just can't seem to figure it out. So if anyone  
 > > guide me I would be more than appreciative.
 > >
 > > O.k. I am giving an online class ..where I need to insert  
 > > segments. So I have 4 segements uploaded. And when I go to My
 > > Show ..and click on the segment I want the Copy and Paste code
 > > for ..It gives me obviously ..the default player. So I saw that you
 > > can customize the player just under the Code ..and I went over and
 > > customized each section and saved it. But I still can't get each
 > > segment ..to have the customized player. So I know there must be a
 > > setting that I need to change ..However I must be missing it  
 > > I have played with all the setting for 2 days now and still  
can't get
 > > it to work the way I want.
 > >
 > > So any guidance on how to get the customized player to work with  
 > > segment so I can embed the code would be Great.
 > >
 > > Thanks ...Sara
 > >
 > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
 > >
 > >
 > >
 > >
 > > Rupert
 > > http://twittervlog.tv/
 > > Creative Mobile Filmmaking
 > > Shot, edited and sent with my Nokia N93
 > >
 > >
 > >
 > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
 > >
 > Rupert
 > http://twittervlog.tv/
 > Creative Mobile Filmmaking
 > Shot, edited and sent with my Nokia N93
 > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Creative Mobile Filmmaking
Shot, edited and sent with my Nokia N93

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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