Okay. Thank you!


From: Jay dedman <jay.ded...@gmail.com>
To: videoblogging@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, August 3, 2009 11:02:07 AM
Subject: Re: [videoblogging] Mevio?

> Oh! Sorry. That's not at all where I'm coming from. I've been a member of
> this Yahoo group for quite a while (since last summer) but this is the first
> question I've asked.
> A friend of mine asked me whether she should put her material on the site. I
> have no experience (which I suppose is now evident). I'll dig around a bit
> online. Sorry for asking such a newbie question. Just thought you all would
> have best insight.

Cool, welcome to the group.

As Josh said, Mevio is a new name for an older company:
When they were Podshow, I never heard anything positive from creator's
experiences there.


http://jaydedman. com
http://twitter. com/jaydedman
917 371 6790



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