Great discussion.

Have been working on a digitally-based (and world-based) multi-media
documentary forever.

It keeps shape-shifting, etc., but definitely want it to exist as a
documentary motion picture.

Here it is, so far:

Using's show player to drag and drop vlog entries around, in and
out. It's at a point where I need more brains involved. That stopped me.
When I had some money, spent it on an editor / blogger / cinematographer
(thanks @Quirk).

Stopped for work and frustration at where to go. It will begin eventually.
Probably in January when the work dries up.

It's really fucking difficult.


Jan McLaughlin
Production Sound Mixer
air = 862-571-5334
aim = janofsound
skype = janmclaughlin

On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 12:21 AM, Adrian Miles <>wrote:

> interesting points. :-)
> the other side of this of course is that some do both, but that one
> practice might not need to come into the other (if that makes sense).
> the web as most of the 2.0 stuff shows, is ideal for serial practice/
> production, small pieces, loose connections. about networks, joins,
> pathways and bite sized up to snack sized. this can and should work
> really well in doco, but as noted in some of the comments, a lot of
> doco practice is still about much larger scale works. So for me the
> questions are:
> 1. what would a web native video doc be? (Seth Keen is answering this
> one way, Florian Thalhofer another.)
> 2. how might this be combined with trad. doco?
> 3. blogs are already documentary, so what needs to change (in us or
> the maker) to think of it more formerly as documentary in the video
> mode?
> On 04/09/2009, at 9:18 AM, Jay dedman wrote:
> > And to flip it around....what barriers keep videobloggers from
> > working on
> > longer projects like documentarians?
> > Rupert and I were just talking about it and he sent me this list (
> >
> cheers
> Adrian Miles
> Program Director, Bachelor of Communication Honours
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