Hello videobloggers,

I've been reading your posts and I feel so far behind in my knowledge :). But I 
hope I will catch up. 

I just recently started to do small videoblogs for small business owners. I'm 
just stepping in to see if I really like doing it. I've been filming and 
editing my family videos for a number of years now, but I never did anything 
for other people up until a month ago. I thought to give it a try and see if 
this could be something I can do for a living. 

So..I have several questions, if you don't mind answering.

1. I was asked to film a short 1-2 min clip for one small company. The 
president does workshops for his clients and I'd like to get some shots of 
that. However, I checked out the room where he's doing the workshops and it's 
pretty dark, ceiling florescent lighting, dark sand color walls and kind or 
cramped. I figured out the angle from which I will film, but I'm afraid there 
won't be enough lighting. I do have lights that I use for studio type picture 
taking (2 of them) and I will bring those, but in order to get use of them, 
they'd have to be upclose to people I guess. However, then the lamps would be 
seen in the picture. 
How do you usually resolve the issue of lighting in small, having no windows 
rooms? I was thinking about increasing the exposure as well if I see that 
there's still not enough lighting with my both lamps that I have. But any other 
ideas would be helpful.

2. How do you film the details in such settings? Meaning, do you have to zoom 
into the leader of the workshop (in this case), to zoom into hands of people, 
their faces to capture their mood and experience at this workshop? I want to 
get as much footage as possible. I may not necessarily need to use it, I just 
want to be covered and not worry about it during the editing process. I have 
only one camera. 

3. And lastly, is there any way to increase the light while editing? I'm using 
Sony Vegas Platinum 8 editing program. I haven't looked if it has this feature. 
I thought I'd ask here first to get some input and advice. I have one clip for 
another client that's a bit too dark, in my opinion, and it's too late to get 
it re-filmed, so I was wondering if there's any way that I can fix the light 
during editing.

Thanks so much for reading this long email. I feel like an amateur among you 
all professionals :)

I'm sure I'll learn a lot here.


Have a great weekend.


p.s. Steve, I'll look for your book on Amazon! How amazing to get published! 

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