----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Loreta_Vaidas"
> Can anybody please recommend a good quality (not too pricey please) boom 
> pole for a one person team?

I don't understand what a "one person team" is. A "team", by definition 
seems to be a minimum of two.

> I have an Audio-Technica AT875R shot gun mic which I'll be using for my 
> videofilmings and would like a boom pole to go with it. Holding a pole 
> myself is not an option.
A "boom pole holder" may work.
but only for a subject that is not moving about.

> Please give me some guidance what features to look for in a pole, where 
> and what best to purchase, etc.
Some poles have the mic cable built-in, and of course the length varies.

You can always go with the Home Depot / Lowes extendable paint pole. But you 
will need to purchase an attachment to convert the end to hold the mic.
and, of course, this also requires you to run the mic cable the length of 
the pole.

If you are shooting outdoors you will definitely need a windscreen. The foam 
type may work well enough, or it may not. Better is the "furry" or "dead 
cat" type of windscreen. Even better is a "blimp" type with a furry cover.

If you have a person to hold the mic/boom pole be sure that they have 
headphones and can actually *hear* the audio from the mic. Otherwise they 
won't know if they are holding the mic / pole properly. This may be a long 
cable running out of the camcorder to the person, or .. you can do "double 
system sound" and record to a high quality digital recorder. In that case 
the recorder can be carried by the boom pole operator and and there is less 
chance of someone tripping on a long cable from the camera. You will need to 
sync-up the sound in editing, but it's not as hard as you might think.

Richard Amirault

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