Hello all,

I am looking for recommendations on distributors of Indian Films.  I'm not 
seeing much on the videolib archives, I tried Worldcat (to check for 
distributors); but there seems to be a lot of illegal and/or unusual behavior 
whenever I visit some website that is recommended.  Even the National Film 
Development Corporation of India is not helpful.

Any suggestions would be welcome.

lorraine wochna
Ohio U, Alden Library

Mani Kaul is the director and the films are Uski Roti (A day's bread) 1969, 
Ashad Ka Ek Din (A Monsoon Day)-1971-Hindi, Duvidha (Two Roads) - 1973 - Hindi, 
Siddheswari - 1989 - Hindi, Nazar (The gaze) 1990 - Hindi, Naukar Ki Kameez(The 
Servant's Shirt) - 1999 - Hindi.

Another Filmmaker is Kumar Shahani and his films are, Maya Darpan (Mirror of 
Illusion) - 1972 - Hindi, Tarang (The Wave) - 1984 - Hindi, Kasba - 1990 - 
Hindi, Char Adhyay - 1997 - Hindi

The last one is Ritwik Ghatak and his films are, Nagarik(The Citizen) - 1952 - 
Bengali, Ajantrik(Pathetic Fallacy) - 1958 - Bengali, Bari Theke 
Paliye(Runaway)  -1959 - Bengali, Megh Dhaka Tara(The Cloud Capped Star) - 1960 
- Bengali, Komal Gandhar (E-Flat) - 1961 - Bengali, Subarnarekha (The Golden 
Line) - 1962 - Bengali, Titas Ekti Nadir Naam(A River Named Titas)   - 1973 - 
Bengali, Jukti Takko Aar Gappo (Arguments and a Story) - 1974 - Bengali

VIDEOLIB is intended to encourage the broad and lively discussion of issues 
relating to the selection, evaluation, acquisition,bibliographic control, 
preservation, and use of current and evolving video formats in libraries and 
related institutions. It is hoped that the list will serve as an effective 
working tool for video librarians, as well as a channel of communication 
between libraries,educational institutions, and video producers and 

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