Hi all,

Suppose we have vectors v1 and v2. Then, we have four options for the
semantics of "v1 * v2":

1) Element-wise product
2) Dot product
3) Outer product
4) Leave undefined

Most of the time, in the rest of PyViennaCL, I've chosen semantics for
the * operator that make sense given the context. For instance, for
matrices m1 and m2, "m1 * m2" is the matrix product (not element-wise).

So, I don't want to choose option (1), even though NumPy does this in
places. NumPy is actually quite inconsistent: its "array" type is
elementwise for all operators (*, /, +, etc; providing matrix product
semantics for the "dot" method), but its "matrix" type has various
semantics -- / is elementwise, but * is not, being the matrix product.

This leaves (2) to (4). It seems ViennaCL itself leaves the * operator
undefined, leaving the user to be explicit. I think I'm leaning towards
this choice, for consistency, and to minimise confusion. But then why
should I define the * operator for /any/ type? I think the answer is
that, when someone has m1 and m2, "m1 * m2" is an operation they will
want to be convenient -- more so than elementwise multiplication, or
either the inner or outer product of vectors.

But I'm not sure, hence this post.



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