Hi Toby,

 >> I consider Vector * Vector -> Matrix to be surprising or at least
>> somewhat non-intuitive. Following your operations, the most reasonable
>> definition would be
>>   >    Matrix * Matrix -> Matrix (matrix product)
>>   >    Vector * Vector -> Vector (element-wise product)
>>   >    Scalar * Scalar -> Scalar (scalar product)
>> so that operator* maps elements from the same 'space' back into the same
>> space again. I don't see any reason why Vector*Vector->Matrix should be
>> 'more suited' than Vector*Vector->Scalar, hence better to use inner()
>> and outer() in such case. If I'm not mistaken, dot() is just a forward
>> to inner() in NumPy, so this would be consistent. On the other hand, I
>> don't see any problem with leaving vector*vector undefined...
> I quite like your dimensionality-preserving reasoning, so I updated it
> according to your scheme above.

Thanks - we may find reason to reconsider the vector*vector case later, 
but at least it looks consistent for the moment.

> I also have a couple of questions about operations on heterogeneous
> matrix types. Principally, should I build infrastructure anticipating
> (for instance) the product of a column-major and a row-major matrix? Or
> a sparse matrix and a dense matrix? Or should users just convert their
> matrices to homogeneous types?

Products of matrices with different layouts are already supported. You 
can run C = prod(A, B) with any combination of row-major and 
column-major for each of A, B, and C. On the long run this flexibility 
will also be provided via the scheduler and generator for other 
operations, so you should definitely design the infrastructure such that 
it can deal with that.

 > Also: do you intend to support operations
 > on sparse matrices in the scheduler? So much to do, so few hours in a
 > day...

Yes, sparse matrices will also be handled soon. The scheduler needs to 
be able to deal with *all* the operations the API currently provides 
before the release. As you write, so much to do, so few hours in a 
day... ;-)

Best regards,

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