Hi Nathan,

Nathaniel Smith <n...@pobox.com> writes:
> I just wanted to give you all a heads-up about a draft Python
> Enhancement Proposal that I'm working on, for adding a dedicated
> matrix multiplication operator to Python (and thus getting rid of all
> the mess about what * should mean):
>   https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/4351
> https://github.com/njsmith/numpy/blob/matmul-pep/doc/neps/return-of-revenge-of-matmul-pep.rst

Yeah, I've been following your proposal with interest. 

> It seems esp. relevant since pyviennacl seems to try to follow numpy
> in many things *except* the definition of '*', and part of the hope is
> that if this gets accepted into Python then it'll let us get rid of
> such incompatibilities between projects. So I'd especially welcome
> feedback on the "Semantics" section, and perhaps -- if it seems
> correct to you -- to eventually add pyviennacl to the "Adoption"
> section. Let me know what you think!

You're right about the incompatibility, and it is deliberate: we did
have some discussions about it when planning last year, and decided
where it made sense to follow matrix semantics (since that's what we
expect people to be using PyViennaCL for). But it is a mess!

So you should fully expect PyViennaCL to adopt @, at which point I'll
have * be used for elementwise operation. That ought only change the
semantics of `vector * vector` (currently undefined) and `matrix *
matrix`, off the top of my head.



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