
Karl Rupp <r...@iue.tuwien.ac.at> writes:
> Hmm, do we have enough use cases for this? I'd rather handle this 
> through an explicit conversion step, i.e.
>   viennacl::vector<float> v_float(v_int);
>   viennacl::norm_2(v_float);
> instead of integrating more complexity into how we handle the various 
> operations. The explicit conversion can be provided in a controlled 
> manner (the number of any-to-any-conversions is still manageable), 
> whereas the introduction of casting would immediately blow up the 
> possible input combinations for *all* the operations. For example, the 
> operation
>   x = y + z
> with the current requirement of the same scalar types for x, y, and z 
> results in ~10 different input combinations (four signed integer types, 
> four unsigned types, two floating point types). If we allow any 
> combinations through casting, this would make it 1000 combinations. 
> OpenCL would certainly help with jit-ting this, but compilation times 
> for CUDA and OpenMP would certainly explode if we want to provide these 
> operations through a shared library interface later.

Bear in mind also that PyViennaCL is such a shared library interface
right now, and already has a fairly demanding compilation!

One quick question: does the explicit conversion step allocate any new
memory, or is it treated like a cast?



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