
> This sounds reasonable indeed. I need casting operation_node_type for
> the generator to control explicit casting within a generated kernel, but
> it sounds very reasonable to only allow such constructors indeed.

The casting functionality can still be part of the generator, there's no 
reason why we should artifically cut down functionality. It's just that 
we can't provide a full-fledged user-API for it.

> For
> example, max(int, abs(int)) won't compile in OpenCL because abs returns
> an unsigned int, therefore leading to an ambiguous call of max.

Valid point. I remember that the behavior depends on the OpenCL SDK: 
Without additional care, a couple of the integer operations would fail 
with one SDK, but work well with another.

> So, I
> have to modify a bit the expression tree to invoke the generator for
> with max(int, (int)abs(int)).
> Now, adding an interface to allow:
> x = viennacl::element_cast<float>(y) + z
> for OpenCL only seems superfluous indeed. There are not enough use cases
> to justify an interface divergence.
> However, having a very explicit constructor:
> viennacl::vector<float> x(viennacl::element_cast<float>(x_int)).
> may be better than
> viennacl::vector<float> x(x_int);
> Especially when a vector is constructed using operator=.

That's a good point and brings us down to the question of how verbose we 
want the API to be. I'm leaning towards the shorter version without the 
element_cast because it is more intuitive, but we should go for the 
'longer version' if there are two many pitfalls for the shorter version. 
Now, are there any such pitfalls? I can't think of any, actually: If a 
user creates a new vector, then the user is fine with creating a new 
object already. So, the only potential pitfall is that of accidentally 
losing precision. However, since we only support operations with the 
same scalar type, any loss of accuracy in one of the operands will 
result in a compilation error, so the user will receive a warning (btw: 
We should provide better diagnostics in such case, making/hacking the 
compiler message more explicit about what is the problem).

> I can add this on the todo list for ViennaCL 1.6. It is a great feature
> which could permit some great bandwidth savings as well as some
> mixed-precision implementation.

I just created an issue here:

It's probably worth noting that we already have a mixed-precision 
conjugate gradient algorithm in ViennaCL, which is currently only 
supported for OpenCL. The only thing that is missing to make it backend 
agnostic are these conversion routines (not mixed precision operations...)

Best regards,

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