Bah :) Looks like I am the first one to ask about this. Yeah, that would be 
helpful (at least int and long)The second one is moot. So, if CSR is not 
supported for Column-Major matrices, then the only way to go about would be to 
implicitly cast away the Colum -major and make it row-major. Thus, something 
like this in VCLEigen: Storage orders

|   |
|   |  |   |   |   |   |   |
| Eigen: Storage ordersThere are two different storage orders for matrices and 
two-dimensional arrays: column-major and row-major. This page explains these 
storage orders and how to spec... |
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| View on | Preview by Yahoo |
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Would be helpful without having to create intermediates. 
Also, I encountered another problem: One of my matrix multiplications returned 
all zeros. When I tried to copy an all-zero matrix to the host VCL threw an 
exception in the copy sequence. I think the correct way to do this would be:a.) 
Not do any matrix multiplication if all elements are zeros b.) If done, then it 
should fill up the matrix with zeros and return it without throwing an 
assertion. Thanks and Regards
      From: Karl Rupp <>
 To: Sumit Kumar <> 
Cc: "" 
 Sent: Monday, August 3, 2015 1:23 AM
 Subject: Re: [ViennaCL-devel] ViennaCL reductions
Hi Sumit,

 > I was trying to run sparse matrix multiplication, but one of my explicit
> template typedefs had Int. After some digging, I found out that CSR only
> supported Float or double. Is there any reason for this? Can we also
> have support for other templates? (like int ?)

It is technically possible, but we haven't implemented it yet. After 5 
years you are the first to even ask for it ;-)

> Another thing would be the alignment order. Suppose I have a Row-major
> Sparse Eigen matrix, then I can copy it to a (Row-Major ?) VCL
> compressed matrix. What about a column-major sparse Eigen matrix?

If you can point me to a fast, massively parallel column-major 
matrix-vector multiplication routine, I look into it. However, as far as 
I know, there is no such routine for general sparse matrices, hence it 
does not make sense for us to support it.

Best regards,

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Karl Rupp <>
> *To:* Sumit Kumar <>
> *Cc:* ""
> <>
> *Sent:* Friday, July 31, 2015 9:04 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [ViennaCL-devel] ViennaCL reductions
> Hi Sumit,
>  > I am aware that Eigen can do it for its matrices and I am also aware
>  > that VCL cannot do it natively. My question was this:
>  > In your example of interfacing with Eigen, you have shown a VCL dense
>  > matrix interfacing with an Eigen dense matrix. Do you have any example
>  > of interfacing an Eigen Sparse matrix with a VCL dense matrix?
> No, we don't have this.
> Best regards,
> Karli

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