On Tue, 19 Oct 2004 11:25:14 +0700
hypoj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> To^i co' mo^.t ma.ng nho? du`ng ADSL, co' mo^.t multi-homed FC2 box 
> cha.y squid va` firewall (iptables). Nay to^i co' the^m mo^.t
> ddu+o+`ng ADSL nu+~a nhu+ng kho^ng bie^'t la`m sao dde^? ta?i chia
> dde^`u cho ca? 2 ddu+o+`ng ADSL ma` kho^ng pha?i ca('t ddo^i ma.ng
> LAN? Hoa(.c la`m sao dde^? ta^'t ca? ca'c local hosts dde^`u du`ng
> mo^.t ddu+o+`ng ADSL dda~ ddi.nh cho dde^'n khi he^'t ba(ng tho^ng
> mo+'i chuye^?n sang du`ng the^m ddu+o+`ng ADSL thu+' hai?

O+? thread sau dda^y co' mo^.t va`i y' kie^'n, va` nhie^`u link
ve^` va^'n dde^` na`y. Ba.n co' the^? tham kha?o.


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