On 5:22:21 pm 02/18/06 maikhai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Saturday 18 February 2006 22:17, Larry Nguyen wrote:
> >  On 8:25:12 am 02/18/06 maikhai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >  Wa! Xong. Coi dda^y :
> >
> >  Cha'u 0 hie^?u ddu+o+.c mo^.t ddie^`u la` ta.i sao ca'c distro
> >  Debian based, font hie^?n thi. tie^'ng Vie^.t te^. ho+n vo+.
> >  tha(`ng dda^.u. Ngay ca? Ubuntu. :(
> >
> >  Ba'c na`o ddang xa`i Ubuntu report cho ho. bie^'t. Mandriva, SuSE,
> >  Fedora i't nha^'t font nhi`n dde.p ho+n nhie^`u.
> >
> >  -Larry
> >
> Ca`i Debian, Knoppix, vv xong xuo^i, va`o Control Center nha('p
> chuo^.t va`o o^  Use Anti-aliasing for fonts la` fonts he^'t ra(ng
> cu+a, coi cu~ng dde.p ga^`n ba(`ng ma^'y ca'i kia. Rie^ng tha(`ng
> Mepis cha(?ng ha.n no' cu~ng do`ng Debian nhu+ng fonts la.i dde.p
> nhu+ FC ho.ac Mdk.

Thank you ba'c. Finally someone who understands my *suggestion*. Look at
Mepis :)


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