Hi List!

Vi` ca`i hoa?ng tie^`u ne^n SuSE kho^ng tu+. ddo^.ng nha^.n ra ca'i ADSL trong 
ma'y. No'i nga('n go.n la` nay mo^~i la^`n boot  thi` pha?i cha.y tu+` root 2 
do`ng na`y :

# modprobe 3x59x
# dhcpcd eth0
thi` mo+'i connect ddu+o+.c.

DDa~ thu+? bo? va`o /etc/bash.bashrc hay ~/.bashrc hay /etc/profile nhu+ng 
dde^`u kho^ng ddu+o+.c.

Bo? 2 do`ng na`y va`o cho^~ na`o thi` no' tu+. cha.y dde^? kho?i pha?i ma^'t 
co^ng va`o root go~ mo?i tay he` ?

(DDa~ thu+? va`o Control Center /YaST2 cho.t tu+' tung, nhu+ng ru't cuo^.c no' 
ddo`i Passwd cu?a IP mo^~i khi nha^'n Dial-in !)   :(

m k h _ s g n
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