Y' Larry no'i pha?i pha^n bie^.t chu+'c na(ng cu?a "router" va` "(cable/ADSL)-modem" ve^` mu.c "ca^'u hi`nh software driver/ID&password.." trong Linux. Ve^` pha^`n GUI dde^? ca^'u hi`nh thi` no' co' the^? na(`m trong mo.i no+i (PC cu?a mi`nh (qua HTTP "protocol") hay trong mo^.t console rie^ng no^'i tha(?ng dde^'n (cable/ADSL)-modem). Tre^n nguye^n ta('c, ISP no^'i dde^'n cho^? PC ngu+o+`i du`ng dde^'n (cable/ADSL)-modem tru+o+'c. Ke^' dde^'n, tu+` (cable/ADSL)-modem dde^'n MO^.T ma'y ngu+o+`i du`ng co' the^? no^'i tha(?ng qua card ma.ng (NIC- TCI/IP protocol - DHCP service..). Tu+` (cable/ADSL)-modem dde^'n NHIE^`U ma'y ngu+o+`i du`ng thi` no^'i qua TCP/IP-switch hay TCP/IP-router. DDa.i kha'i, trong ca^'u tru'c ddo+n gia?n tre^n, Linux to^'i thie^?u pha?i co' driver cho card ma.ng (NIC), TCP/IP protocol stack va` di.ch vu. (DHCP/ARP/RARP/TFTP..). Linux CO' THE^? chu+'a the^m TCP/IP-switch/(wireless)router driver va` tri`nh ca^'u hi`nh cho chu'ng. Linux CO' THE^? chu+'a the^m (cable/ADSL)-modem driver va` tri`nh ca^'u hi`nh cho chu'ng. Ma^'y "o^ng" sa?n xua^'t modems/switches/routers quye^'t ddi.nh la` co' cho ra software drivers/tri`nh ca^'u hi`nh cho Linux hay kho^ng, chu+' kho^ng pha?i ca'c "nga`i" ISPs. Ve^` pha^`n Linux "cho ra" la` mo^.t chuye^.n nhu+ng ma~ co' F/O la` nhu+~ng "tra^`n ai" kha'c. Bao gio+` thi` ta co' the^? la`m vie^.c cho FOHWS* (Free AND Open Hardware System) nhi~?\!
*: FOHWS - Trademarked by GTT :)

From: Pham Nguyen Truong An <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: vietlug-users@lists.sourceforge.net
To: vietlug-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Vietlug] network trong SuSE 10.0
Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2006 00:16:35 +0700

Ba'c 0 ne^n cho.n ADSL tre^n ba^'t ky` ba?n Linux na`o. Bo+?i vi` ba'c dda~
co' ca'i router cung ca^'p ma.ng su+? du.ng dhcp to+'i ma'y ti'nh ro^`i.

Nhu+~ng ngu+o+`i cho.n ADSL la` khi trong ma'y ti'nh cu?a ho. co' ADSL
modem 0 co' chu+'c na(ng router, do ddo' ho. ca^`n no^'i va`o ISP dde^?
la^'y ddi.a chi?. Khi no^'i va`o ISP, ho. se~ ca^`n bie^'t ba'c la` ai -->
ca^`n id va` password.

Trong tru+o+`ng ho+.p ba'c dda~ co' router, thi` ca'c tho^ng tin na`y dda~
ddu+o+.c ca^'u hi`nh sa(~n trong router (do nha^n vie^n ky~ thua^.t la`m
sa(~n khi ddem modem dde^"n nha` ba'c). Ho. dda~ ca^'u hi`nh sa(~n router
su+? du.ng di.ch vu. DHCP cho ma.ng no^.i bo^.. DDo ddo' mo^~i la^`n ca^'u
hi`nh ma.ng, ba'c chi? vie^.c cho.n trong Yast2

Cho em xen ngang vo*'i ddu*o*.c kho^ng?
Khi o^n nha^n vie^n ky~ thua^.t dde^'n ca`i modem cho nha` em o^?ng kho^ng la`m theo ca'ch na`y. Lu'c ddo' em xa`i FC4, o^?ng du`ng bo^. gui co' sa(~n cua? FC dde^? ta.o mo^.t ke^'t no^'i ADSL
na.p password va` ID tha(?ng va`o ma'y ti'nh chu*' kho^ng pha?i modem.
Co`n ca'i modem thi` o^?ng set cho no' tha`nh bridge.
Ba^y gio*` thi` em dda~ ca^'u hi`nh la.i dde^? modem o^m do^`m nhie^`u vie^.c ho*n ro^`i. Nhu*ng kho^ng bie^'t giu*~a 2 ca'ch ca^'u hi`nh lo*.i ha.i kha'c nhau the^' na`o nhi?

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