> As you haven't seen it, other than in two manuscripts copied in the 18th
> century  you can't evaluate it.  All that you can say is that you know
> nothing about it.   So much of what you say simply ignores that fact that
> have a very incomplete picture of what was really happening.

Oh no, I only don't speculate on the existence of hidden masterpieces. We
have to deal with what is left.

> > Hope to see it once!
> Again the point is that you haven't seen it, and therefore only have an
> incomplete picture.

But don't we all hope that something important shows up? Untill then our
picture is incomplete.

> How do we decide which "school" to assign them to?  Place of origin?  What
> if they don't tell us their place of origin?  And what of Corbetta?  He
> describes himself as Pavese - so if he belongs to the Bologna "school", so
> does Costanza.

I did not speak of 'schools'.

> Elaborate theories such as that which Gary has put forward are simply
> fantasy.  People who believe in them don't really live in the real world.

Tell him, not me...

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