Dear "flatback lutenists",

I had time to document my New String Calculator in

The new features:

* In the old calculator you had only two possibilities for tuning the 
a', only 440 Hz and 415.3 Hz. Now it is possible to choose any pitch to 
the a', in the range 1-20000 Hz. Of course you normally set it to 440 
Hz, 415 Hz, 430 Hz, 460 Hz, 442 Hz, ..., to something "normal". So just 
edit the second "Hz"-field and enter the new value!

* Now you can use "two calculators" for both calculating the tensions 
and calculating the diameters; it is nice to be able to compare near-by 
diameters/tensions when you are selecting strings.

* When you change the note parameters (name, octave, pitch of a') or 
string parameters ( length, material density), all the valid 
calculations are made automatically.

* When changing the diameter or the tension, you can of course "push the 
button", but also an "enter" in the parameter field will activate the 

* For choosing the string material now there is a "box". Be aware that 
those material densities are just examples! You can of course edit 
directly the density field.

* There are also some other minor changes in usability etc.

All the best,


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