Thanks for this. I would tune the open strings in relation to each other and 
not by using the fingerboard which would be rather begging the question.  I 
believe this sort of analysis is extremely valuable especially since many (not 
you of course) who claim to use some form of 'meantone' tuning only ever look 
at the first course and seem blissfully unaware that the chromatic/diatonic 
sequence is different on different courses!

Alexander Batov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  On Tuesday, November 27, 2007 4:11 PM Martyn Hodgson wrote:

> It would be of further interest to do this for each course so as to see
> the different chromatic/diatonic semitone relationships between all the
> courses.

I agreed first, but I'm not sure if this is actually necessary and / or
whether it gives you any 'enhanced' picture of chromatic / diatonic
relationships ... For example it would depend how you tune intervals between
open courses: by unisons from the fingerboard, from other fixed-pitch
instruments or, indeed, from the tuner and, either to pure intervals or with


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